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Electrical Safety: A Power Line Position
Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares electrical safety tips with a special focus on power line safety and how you can protect yourself from the possibility of electric shock. Power lines are dangerous; we all know that. But are we aware of where they are located around our homes? Knowing where power lines are situated in your neighborhood can make all the difference in protecting yourself, say, when a storm hits with high winds and lots of lightning and maybe even some hail thrown in… What do you do if a tree on your property breaks as a result of that storm and lands on or has power lines running through it and maybe even damages your home or someone else’s next door? Do you get up into that tree with a power line running through it? Good question. Okay, the first thing you have to do is determine the risk involved. If there is a power line running through the tree and damage has incurred, the best path to take is to call your utility company and if necessary, a tree trimming expert, so you can keep yourself out of harm’s way. You see, if you’re in the tree, and a power line runs through it, there is always the potential for an electric shock, since your body could become the electricity’s path to ground. Let’s eliminate the possibility of your fatality. It’s not worth the risk, is it? Take care to do what is the safest in any given situation with power lines. Eliminate the danger of electrical shock no matter what your situation is. Stay Electrically Safe and Smart as a homeowner when dealing with power lines! Copyright 2016 Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC