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Electrical Safety: When Storms Bring Down Power Lines
Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares electrical safety and shock prevention tips with a special focus on the hazards of downed power lines due to stormy weather and what you can do to protect yourself! Tips include what storm related hazards can look like, what wires are electrical on those utility poles, how far to stay away from downed power lines, what not to touch when power lines are down in your vicinity, what to do to keep kids and pets safe and how to respond if you come across downed power lines, for the safety of all. Stay Electrically Safe and Smart during stormy weather and it’s hazardous aftermath if downed power lines are part of the trouble! Special Thanks to, to Times Publishing Group, to Michael Oppenheimer and to Ryan Peters, Captain Aptos La Selva Fire District, for the article, Wires Down? Watch Out! Downed Power Line Safety Tips.