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Welcome back to our Electrical Safety blog here at Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC. For today’s post, Story Telling Suzie is back with her son Michael with a focus on swimming and staying electrically Safe and Smart! “Hey, Mom, I’ll be outside cleaning the pool. Bobby should be here any minute. Can you just send him out back when he gets here?” “Yes, of course! It’s always good to see Bobby.” She smiles as she straightens up the cushions on the couch that were askew from last night’s family movie night. She always enjoys time with Michael, especially now that he spends a lot more time with his friends. She’s glad for him and knows he will enjoy time in the pool. They always do. “Hey, Mom!” Michael rushes into the kitchen. “Um, I noticed while I was skimming the pool that one of the lights is out.”
Suzie gives a concerned look. “Oh, ok. Let me come and take a look.” Suzie follows Bobby out to the pool and he point to the light. “Oh, no. That’s the one that went out last year too. Maybe there’s a short. I’ll have to call our licensed electrician and tell him it’s out again. I’m sorry, Michael, but you won’t be able to use the pool until it’s been repaired. Too much risk with electrical shock.” “Oh, man, that is such a bummer!” He throws his arm out in frustration. “Hello!” Michael and Suzie both look up at the same time and see Bobby coming through the back kitchen door. “Oh, sorry, man, I knew you were coming but we got caught up out here…” “Oh, that’s ok. I know my way around.” Bobby grins. “But, what’s up?” “We can’t use the pool since that light is out.” Michael points to it and Bobby sees it too.” “Oh no. Isn’t that the same one from last year?” Bobby looks at Suzie and she looks surprised and smiles. “Oh, you remember!” “Yeah, I do. And you were so concerned about our electrical safety.” “Yes I was. And I still am.” “Well, that’s ok. Hey, I have a great idea!” Bobby smiles big. “Why don’t we check out that new water park in town? They just opened a few weeks ago.” “Hey, that IS a great idea!” Suzie brightens. “My treat.” “Oh thanks, Mom!” Michael is animated and gives her a hug. “You always know how to save the day, don’t you?” “Well, it was Bobby’s idea, you know.” She looks sheepishly and smiles at her son. “Hey, you want to come with us?” Bobby enquires of Suzie. “You know, I think I will! That would be fun. I’ll change into my swimsuit and be ready shortly.” She winks and crosses to the back door and enters the kitchen.
“Bobby has always been such a great boy. So respectful and full of good ideas.” She smiles to herself. “Michael knows how to pick out the good ones. Especially when they want to stay electrically safe and smart!” Have you run into electrical safety issues with your swimming pool? Have you taught your kids about the risk of electrical shock with swimming pool safety? If you’re in need of an electrical repair on your pool and you live in the Collin County area of North Texas, be sure to call us at 214.697.3134 to set an appointment for electrical service with Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC! And remember to Stay Electricaly Safe and Smart!