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Electrical Safety: Prevention of ESD
Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares electrical safety and shock prevention tips with a special focus on keeping oneself and loved ones safe when swimming this summer and how you can prevent electric shock drowning from happening to you! Tips include why and where swimming deaths can occur through ESD, type of electrical system with boats and boat docks, GFCI protection, and how to help a struggling swimmer to help prevent your own ESD. Awareness of your surroundings and how you go about your activities can go a long way toward prevention of electrical hazards and fatalities. Stay Electrically Safe and Smart as you swim this summer! Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares condolences to the families effected by recent ESD fatalities of family members. Special Thanks to, to Eric Colby, to American Boat and Yacht Council President, John Adey and to BoatUS for the article, Electrical Deaths Raise Awareness as Summer Starts.