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Electrical Safety: Is It Too Hot?
Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares electrical safety tips with a special focus on flat irons and small appliances that can overheat and what you can do to minimize the hazards of electrical fires and electric shock. Small appliances, such as flat irons, are very common place in the home. But do we pay close attention to our use of such electrically-based items to help reduce electrical hazards? Consider this scenario: You purchase a new flat iron and are eager to try it out to see if it works well. You’re reasonably satisfied with the results. However, there’s one snag that cannot be ignored. Even on a lower setting, you notice that the flat iron gets really hot, even almost too much on the outside of the appliance, which surprises you, considering it’s brand new. The question to ask is this: is using a brand new flat iron that gets hotter than it should be safe to use? Could it overheat and cause a fire? A safest best is to contact the manufacturer to determine what is normal heat for the appliance so you can determine if it needs replacing or if you should purchase a different, safer product. It’s advisable to pay close attention to how the appliance is functioning and not take a chance on it overheating and causing an electrical fire. Also, keep all flammables, such as a washcloths and hand towels, away from any heat-inducing appliance; and keep it clear of any sinks or bathtubs where it may fall in. If it does, never reach into a place where water is present; otherwise you could be fatally shocked. Ground Fault Circuit Interruptors are also the outlets we recommend to help prevent electrical shock. Stay Electrically Safe and Smart with your use of small appliances! Disclaimer: Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC is not specifying a particular brand of appliance with these cautions. Simply take good care with your future purchases, no matter what you buy. Copyright 2016 Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC