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Electrical Safety: Hazards by the Water
Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares electrical safety and shock prevention tips and a news story of an electric shock drowning fatality and what you can do to prevent it from happening to you. Tips include marina dangers that can lurk in the water, what to do if someone is being shocked in the water, and what you should do as a boat/boat dock/lift owner to be sure any electrical system components are working properly to help avoid electrical energy from entering the water. Stay Electrically Safe and Smart as you swim and go boating this summer! Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC offers condolences to the family affected by child fatality. Special Thanks to, to Asbury Park Press, to Katie Park, Amanda Ogelsby, and Lisa R Kruse, to Mayor Thomas Kelaher and to ESFI for the article, Boat Lift involved in fatal electrocution of girl was corroded, Mayor Said.