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Bill's Quality Electric, LLC

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  • 1800 S McDonald St
    McKinney, TX 75069
  • 214-697-3134

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    Electrical Safety: Car Accidents and Downed Power Lines

    image of powerlines in trees for blog

    Electrical Safety: Car Accidents and Downed Power Lines

    Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares an electrical safety word of warning with a special focus on car accidents that involve downed power lines and what you can do to prevent electrical shock or electrocution that leads to fatality. Tips include steps to take when you’re in your vehicle with a downed power line, what to do if it’s dangerous to stay in the car, and what to do if you approach a situation where someone is in a car accident with a downed power line. It is imperative to follow these instructions to keep yourself out of harms’ way. Stay Electrically Safe and Smart whether you are in a car accident or come across one! Special Thanks to, to The Morning Call website, to Scott Kraus, reporter, and to Doug Haupt of PPL Electric Utilities for the video demonstration and article, A Power Line Falls on Your Car, what do you do?