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Electrical Safety: Bakin’ in the Kitchen
Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares electrical safety and fire prevention tips with a special focus on baking in the kitchen with safety of prioritized importance. Baking can be a delicious past time whether you choose to go solo or have a family member or friend join you in the process from batter to brilliance. But keeping our eye out for fire and/or electrical hazards is an important precaution to keep things happy and productive without injury. Here are several things to be aware of when bakin’ in the kitchen: What types of outlets are installed? Are they GFCIs (Ground fault circuit interruptors) that will help protect you from electrical shock when water is present? Are all of your combustibles away from hot surfaces such as pot holders, oven mitts and even sleeves you’re wearing? Are you using a hand mixer with metal “hands?” Be sure to plug that in safely and keep the electrical wire from touching any hot surfaces. And plug in those “hands” before plugging the mixer into the outlet for extra safety from electrical shock. Are there children present? Be sure to take extra precautions with their electrical safety keeping them away from electrical outlets and, if they are older, teach them how to use the outlets safely by pulling the plug out properly instead of by the electrical wire which can break with improper handling. Remember, never use water to put out an electrical fire in your kitchen; always use a hand-held fire extinguisher! When we take extra care to stay safe when bakin’ in the kitchen, we can enjoy the fruits of our labors and have fun at the same time with no hazards! Stay Electrically Safe and Smart when you bake in your kitchen! Copyright 2016 Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC