March 17, 2015 8:34 pm Published by dawn Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares electrical safety tips for your home to help prevent shock, injury, fire or fatality. Tips include what to do with appliances around water as well as proper use of electrical strips to avoid electrical outlet overload, which can lead to fires. This video will help kids see the electrical dangers [...]
March 13, 2015 6:47 pm Published by dawn Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares electrical and fire safety tips for kids and their parents to help keep safe in the event of a fire. This video contains many tips for what to do in the case of a fire and what not to do that can start a fire, including electrical outlet dangers, fire [...]
March 12, 2015 8:37 pm Published by dawn Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares electrical safety information and tips regarding space heaters in the home and their proper use to help prevent electrical fires. Included are information of the various types of heaters and their advantages, the various reasons why folks use space heaters in the home, and electrical fire and fatality statistics [...]
March 11, 2015 9:09 pm Published by dawn Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares electrical safety tips in regards to what to do in the case of downed power lines or any other outdoor electrical source in order to keep you shock and electrocution free. It pays to follow the tips for how to deal with a downed power line if you run [...]
March 9, 2015 9:47 pm Published by dawn Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares electrical safety information and tips for fire prevention with a special focus on the elderly. The importance of working smoke alarms is emphasized along with tips on placement and maintenance and the impact that can have on the number of fatalities. Also noted are the older homes and older [...]
March 6, 2015 5:50 pm Published by dawn Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares electrical safety information on the hazards of heating your home and how to stay safe this winter. Included are tips with using space heaters in your home, such as where to place them and when to turn them off. We all want to prevent fires in our homes, and if [...]
March 4, 2015 9:21 pm Published by dawn Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares electrical safety information with an emphasis on smoke alarms and their importance in keeping you safe in the event of a fire by keeping them in working order when you change your clock time this weekend. Included are statistics on the life saving benefit of working smoke alarms along with [...]
March 3, 2015 8:05 pm Published by dawn Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares electrical safety and other tips for your bathroom, especially with children’s safety in mind. It pays to be aware of possible electrical hazards and other issues you can prevent by taking action immediately for the safety of your kids. Whether it’s general safety for their health or to help prevent [...]
February 27, 2015 10:42 pm Published by dawn Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares electrical and general safety word for children and showcases many of the hazardous possibilities, including electricity and water as well as electrical outlet safety. We all want our kids to be safe, and this video truly educates kids on what NOT to do in the home. Stay Electrically Safe and [...]
February 26, 2015 8:57 pm Published by dawn Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares electrical safety information to help you and your children or visiting children stay safe in your home. Tips include installation and maintenance of smoke alarms, importance of fire extinguishers, and the safety aspect of GFCIs around water. Stay Electrically Safe and Smart as homeowners and as parents of young children! [...]