August 3, 2015 6:39 pm Published by dawn Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares electrical safety tips to prepare and recover from a hurricane and how you can protect yourself from electrical hazards related to storms. Included are tips on how to deal with a power outage and downed power lines as well as proper generator use. Also included are tips with house-related electrical [...]
July 31, 2015 8:10 pm Published by dawn Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares an electrocution survivor’s story, where he shares what he was doing and how he came in contact with high voltage, how it damaged his body, what surgeries he had and how his life has been changed as a result of his injuries. His story is a word of warning to [...]
July 30, 2015 5:57 pm Published by dawn Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares an inspiring electrical shock survivor story that emphasizes the need for safety precautions on the job and especially around power lines and what can happen if there’s contact. There are several segments on the video from hospital images that are a bit graphic with the reconstructive surgeries Curtis Weber had to [...]
July 29, 2015 8:06 pm Published by dawn Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares an electrical safety warning word concerning working on the electrical system of your house, no matter what your task. Shared are the two steps necessary to prevent electrical shock and/or an electrical fatality to keep you safe! Always proceed with extreme caution with dealing with electricity. Stay Electrically Safe and [...]
July 28, 2015 5:03 pm Published by dawn Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares electrical safety tips with a focus on flooding and the electrical hazards that may be present as a result of electricity and water being present together. Included are electrical statistics in connection with electrical flood water hazards and where dangers can occur. Also mentioned are active cautions you can [...]
July 27, 2015 8:49 pm Published by dawn Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares electrical safety information about the fabulous tamper resistant receptacle, the perfect solution for shock prevention, especially for kid’s safety! Included are electrical accidents statistics with children and how they often get hurt with unprotected outlets. Also included are the internal structure of a tamper resistant receptacle (TRR) and how they [...]
July 24, 2015 5:17 pm Published by dawn Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares electrical safety tips with a focus on engaging activities in the summertime. Included are tips for safety around power lines, especially in regards to installation of outdoor equipment. Also mentioned is outlet safety and the importance of GFCIs. Also types of extension cords for proper use and use of [...]
July 23, 2015 5:35 pm Published by dawn Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares electrical safety tips concerning when you watch to switch to a new light switch and being sure that what you want to have installed is compatible with your home’s electrical system. Included are electrical hazard possibilities to be aware of that would require repair to avoid a fire hazard. Also [...]
July 22, 2015 7:29 pm Published by dawn Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares electrical safety tips to help prevent fires in your home. Included are electric-based fatality statistics from home fires. Also mentioned are the importance of smoke alarms, proper use of appliances, including portable space heaters, and proper maintenance of electric-based equipment in your home. Also included are tips for proper [...]
July 21, 2015 5:36 pm Published by dawn Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares electrical safety tips with a focus on surge protection for your home and business. Provided are details on what a power surge actually is and what causes it as well as the damage that can occur to electrical equipment when one occurs. Also shared are recommended surge protection devices [...]