March 16, 2016 9:38 pm Published by dawn Electrical Safety: When Flooding Enters Your Neighborhood Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares electrical safety tips with a special focus on safety when flooding enters your neighborhood and how you can protect yourself from electric shock and electrical fires in your home. Tips include what to do with your appliances when there’s a threat of flooding, [...]
March 15, 2016 8:22 pm Published by dawn Electrical Safety: Space Heater Hazards Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares electrical and fire safety tips with a special focus on space heaters and how you can protect yourself from electrical fires and electric shock when using them. Tips include electrical fire statistics with space heaters, proper use, placement and maintenance of space heaters, including fire [...]
March 14, 2016 7:53 pm Published by dawn Electrical Safety: Fire Rules for Kids! Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares electrical and fire safety tips with a special focus on staying safe where there’s a fire and what to stay away from to help prevent fires in your home. Tips included what not to touch and what to do instead, having a fire safety [...]
March 11, 2016 8:07 pm Published by dawn Electrical Safety: Flooding Dangers and How to Avoid Hazards Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares electrical safety tips with a special focus on the dangers of flooding and how you can avoid electric shock and injury. Specific Tips are in regards to possible electrical damage to electrical components in your home, the dangers of downed power [...]
March 10, 2016 8:25 pm Published by dawn Electrical Safety: Spring Time Hazards to Avoid Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares electrical safety tips with a special focus on spring time activity outdoors to help you avoid electrical shock. Tips include using safety around power lines with ladders, proper use and maintenance of power tools and when you know they need replacing, as well [...]
March 9, 2016 8:13 pm Published by dawn Electrical Safety: The Power of Power Lines! Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares electrical safety words of warning with a special focus on the dangers of downed power lines and why YOU should keep your distance! Tips include demonstrations of how electricity travels even when it looks like it won’t, showing the potential for injury or [...]
March 8, 2016 8:22 pm Published by dawn Electrical Safety: Power Lines and Car Accidents Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares electrical safety tips with a special focus on preventing electrical shock with car accidents that involve power lines and power poles. Tips include how to respond with a car accident so you don’t become the path to ground from electricity that could be [...]
March 7, 2016 8:04 pm Published by dawn Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares an electrical safety word of caution with a special focus on farming and the hazards associated with working with large equipment around power lines. Tips include how to handle an emergency or accident that involves power lines and avoid getting electrically shocked yourself, the key being awareness of your surroundings. [...]
March 4, 2016 8:19 pm Published by dawn Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares an electrical safety word with a special focus on generators and how to use them safely during power outages. Tips include types of generators available and when you need a licensed electrician to properly install it. Also mentioned are the importance of smoke/carbon monoxide alarms as well as how and [...]
March 3, 2016 8:52 pm Published by dawn Bill’s Quality Electric, LLC shares electrical safety tips with a special focus on inside your home and how to prevent electric shock when dealing with any electric product. Tips include safe use of outlets, cords, extension cords and GFCIs which are protective around water areas in the home. Also included are placement tips for extension [...]